It is described in a recent work by my distinguished teacher Waldeyer 1 in a general way as composed of two serous layers between which are vessels and nerves many smooth muscle fibers and more or less connective tissue. Which of the following is not within the broad ligament. Suspensory Ligament Of The Ovary Round Ligament Of The Uterus Medical Student Study Anatomy Reproductive System Within the mid-region c. . Within the lower margin d. - pocket formed between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior surface of the rectum. The incidence varies with the type of device. It extends from the lateral pelvic walls on both sides and folds over the internal female genitalia covering their surface anteriorly and posteriorly. A thin reflective midline stripe in the uterus describes the sonographic appearance of the Select one. Rhabdomyosarcomas of the broad ligament are very rare. The broad ligament of t...